Monday, September 23, 2013

Non Toxic Bathroom Cleaner

Non Toxic Bathroom Cleaner

We know that the chemicals that are in our store bought cleaning products can be detrimental to our health and that of our children.  Asthmatics and people who have sensitive airways would especially benefit from using a natural alternative to the harsh store bought products, that we don't only breathe in, but absorb (to some extent) through our skin. My 4 1/2 Daughter loves to help me clean, and i don't hesitate to give her some cleanser and a scourer and put her hard to work, because its doing her no harm and she's helping me! 

I use this on my bathroom tiles, baths, bathroom sinks, kitchen sinks, laundry sinks etc. It leaves the tiles so clean and smelling fresh! Better yet its so cheap to make!

1 cup of baking soda
Few drops of tea tree oil
Liquid washing up detergent.

Basically, you put the baking soda in a plastic container.  I use a old honey tub which is perfect size.  I add the baking soda and tea tree oil, then i add small amounts of detergent and mix until it forms a consistency to that of frosting.  Then i store it in that container until its needed.  I have one tub in the kitchen and one upstairs in the bathroom.

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